Join facilitators Betty Peralta and Amelia Bolyard for this informative, connective and supportive gathering for moms & female caretakers of children!
All children are born indigenous and are conditioned into our hectic modern society. Understanding their nervous system needs can reduce stress for everyone.
In this 2-hour discussion, we will introduce the idea of reducing family stress by increasing connection using the NeuroRelational Framework. We'll talk about ways to slow down and simplify to lay a foundation for better connection; then, we'll talk about slowing down our interactions to incorporate the following elements:
Co-regulating by using intense emotions to get to acceptance and joy
Opening your learning system to allow pushback
Navigating your own neurobiological needs
Noticing and responding to children’s neurodevelopmental needs
Empowering yourself and your children to hold and respect each other's boundaries
Cultivating cooperation instead of compliance
Teaching values and meeting needs rather than reacting to behaviors